"The Oracle" Limited Edition Giclee Metallic Print

"The Oracle" Limited Edition Giclee Metallic Print

from $44.44

Giclee Metallic paper with archival ink. They will last for many lifetimes.

“A deep knowing and a choice to receive.

the dance of ego, the mind and spirit,

in quiet observation, we see ourselves.

true presence enveloped in skin.

The oracle is a representation of the wired intricacy of the mind,

the power of your thoughts &

the will of the kind of manifestation that will die to find you.”

Because of the nature of this piece, for the first 55 orders of the large (24” x 30”) Print, I will be including a piece of Zimbabwean Smoky Citrine straight from a sustainable mine in Marondera ( some of the most powerful citrine on the planet), as a gift.

All the love, I feel so blessed to have a worldwide family of humans that enjoy my art as much as I do.

Love, Kierra

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