About me

Hey lovely human, I’m Kierra! I’m obsessed with witnessing humans at their most human, their most vulnerable, most heartbroken or joyous, connecting to the desires they had as kids, or genuinely experiencing a moment. I’m a 26 (at the time of writing this) year old crunchy AF visionary artist. I cry pretty much everyday, painting is where I feel the closest to god, I channel light language. I’m a pisces and an INFP. If I have the chance to dig myself a hole and stay in there for a week I absolutely would, I love to hide from the world often.

After a long time of whole heartedly dedicating myself to every spiritual belief that has passed me, I’m currently rediscovering what spirituality means to me, and it means many things, which now all show up in my art… we are all connected, we are all beautifully intrinsic, fantastical interesting beings living for a temporary time on a beautiful rock floating through an abyss of stars. We are energy- what we think, hear, see, touch, smell, taste effects us deeper than we know. And us being energy- we can translate everything we feel into physical language or art. We can sense other peoples genuine kindness or malice through our core & Everything happens for a reason.



My theory on Artists:

Artists are like dirt.

Fruitful soil. Eating and growing and feeling everything.

We feed on life, tethered to the absolute, the feelings of the collective nurturing our energies and in the same breathe we hold the unseen, unfelt, dead, ignored, or forgotten feelings…the consciousness, patient within the structured confines of the collective, daring to be seen.

We are empathetic, vulnerable beings born with the ability to translate in the most universal language. we’ve practiced our craft. We are antennas transmuting and alchemizing your signals into the physical world. and in that transmission, we become you.
Seeing your essence.
Exploring your depths.
And in stillness, we open to observe with presence… we then become and mirror your truth.
Our job is to feel so deeply, it lives in the marrow of our bones.
If ever you doubt yourself as an artist,
Know there is no one that holds your medium as you.
Being an artist is a practiced presence,
Living with your heart on the outside of your body
and yet we still are brave enough to be seen.