My Cheat Sheet for Pricing Commissions!

This is how I use some numbers and A Chat GPT prompt to get my Commission Prices!

Pricing commissions can be of the most confusing and daunting things as an artist, but let me tell you an easy fix I discovered!

First, calculate your basic living costs and double it. We're not here to live hand-to-mouth, we're here to grow our businesses!

Next, figure out how many hours you can realistically dedicate to painting each month, and divide your doubled living costs by that number. Ta-da!

You now have a new base hourly charge that will actually support you and help you grow!

But wait, there's more! Time yourself completing a painting, open up ChatGPT, and ask it to calculate the cost for your most common commission sizes. Just say:

"If (your name) charges (your new hourly charge) amount of money per hour, and a (inch x inch) size painting takes them (# of hours) hours, how much would they charge for the following painting sizes? (Make a list of your favorite painting sizes) Please include how much time each would take them and the price in list form."

Let ChatGPT work its magic and calculate all the numbers for you.

So there you go! Now you can spend less time on this shit, and way more time creating art!

SOME FINE PRINT: This calculation is for this of us who are full time artists or want to be full time artists and you want a taste of what you’re prices should look like to get there! If you can only dedicate yourself to working just a few hours a month, then the price that’s calculated is going to be very very high! The average hours I would recommend inputting is 95 - 120 hours, depending on the lifestyle you want to create for yourself! I price mine at 100 hours, also knowing that Im probably going to go over that, just in habit! I hope that helps!

Here’s a link to chatGPT:

All the love!


Kierra van Rootselaar